
Alchemy Study Program. Mentoring by John Hernandez. 4 sessions. (9JH)


Alchemy Study Program - Mentoring.

Mentoring is a prerequisite for earning the Diploma in Hermetic Arts & Sciences and Alchemy.

The tuition fee includes four individual video sessions, each lasting one hour.

Your instructor: John Hernandez. 

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  • Mentoring Session by John Hernandez
  • Main Alchemy Themes
  • Section 1: Session A: Alchemy & Hermetic Arts Overview. Kabbalah, Tarot Basics
  • Section 1: Session B: The Beginnings of Imagination & Imagery
  • Section 1: Session C: First purification and the 4 steps of the Emerald Formula.
  • Section 1: Session D: The 5th Step of the Emerald Formula - Gateway to the Above
  • Section 2: Session A: The Dragon Work - Gateway to the Lapis Philosophorum.
  • Section 2: Session B: The 6th Step - Entrance to the Upper Worlds.
  • Section 2: Session C: Work in the Upper Worlds - completion of the 6th Step
  • Section 2: Session D: Corpus Hermetica - theurgy and the 7th Step.
  • Section 3: Session A: Fate & Destiny. Astrology, Enneagram. Tarot Minor Arcana.
  • Section 3: Session B: Return to the Realm Below. Shamanism.
  • Section 3: Session C: Activation of Intuition. Real-life Knowledge Application.
  • Section 3: Session D: Initiatory Experience. Integration. Becoming an Aspirant.
  • Section 4: Session A: Grounding Techniques. 7 Metals of Alchemy. Tree of Life
  • Section 4: Session B: Presence in All 3 Planes of Existence Simultaneously.
  • Section 4: Session C: Developing Intuition. Working with "Tethering".
  • Section 4: Session D: Complete "Tethering". Astrum Magia: Symbolism of Stars.
  • Section 5: Session A: The Art of Signatures. Integration and Healing Practices.
  • Section 5: Session B: Insight into the Hidden Aspects: Energy Dynamics.
  • Section 5: Session C: Oral Exam. Ability to Fully Engage Intuition.
  • Section 5: Session D: From Aspirant to Apprentice. Experiential Session.
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed