Alchemy Study Program - Mentoring.
Mentoring is a prerequisite for earning the Diploma in Hermetic Arts & Sciences and Alchemy.
The mentors for the Alchemy Study Program are John and Krys.
The tuition fee includes four individual video sessions, each lasting one hour.
Your instructor: Krys.
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Four 1-hour personal mentoring sessions with Krys, the founder of Domus Hermeticus and the Alchemy Center of Excellence. Materials included.
Krys will safely and expertly navigate you through the Mercury Path, while ensuring mental clarity and psycho-emotional stability at every stage of the Great Work. She will guide you into the realm of authentic alchemy and provide support to both novice and advanced learners. She elucidates any possible discrepancies and misconceptions related to the practice of alchemy as she is gently leading you towards uncovering your own Mercury Path. Krys, an active practitioner of alchemy, is dedicated to furthering the field of consciousness studies, drawing inspiration from the contributions of Dennis William Hauck and various other scholars. Krys upholds the precision of Hermetic wisdom and offers advice rooted in Dennis William Hauck's original Alchemy Study Program.
Krys, who is also referred to as Melusina de Melita, is the author of The Coction Chronicles, a collection of works that expands the groundbreaking research conducted by Dennis William Hauck, a multi-published author. In her work, Melusina delves into the concept of cellular consciousness, connecting it seamlessly with epigenetics and the importance of our daily diet. By illustrating how one can influence genetic expression through consciousness and proper nutrition, she emphasizes the significance of maintaining a healthy body, mind, and soul. Krys offers practical and effective advice on achieving enlightenment through mindful cooking and eating practices.
She holds a diploma and certification in Alchemy and Hermetic Sciences from the International Alchemy Guild, along with a BOTA certification in Tarot.
Krys is a seasoned serial entrepreneur. She founded several business and non-profit organizations.
One of her companies was headquartered in Palo Alto, the heart of Silicon Valley in California. The innovative company utilized the power of the Internet of Things and Fog Computing technologies to implement cutting-edge navigation systems and semi-autonomous vessels. She is a commercially licenses mariner with a specialization in high-speed vessel navigation.
She shares her vast and practical knowledge of entrepreneurship and start-up realities with her students.
Krystyna serves as an independent expert designated by the European Commission Research and Innovation agencies to support the Commission in their efforts in the areas of advanced digitalization and Green Energy, facilitating the shift towards climate-neutral and environmentally friendly mobility. She holds a Master's degree in Business Administration with a specialization in Information Technologies and Continuous Process Improvement.
Krys actively advocates for regenerative business models that surpass sustainability.
Krys will guide you through the realms of the Tree of Life, assisting you in safely traversing the pathways that connect the Sephiroth to uncover your inner Gold along the Mercury Path.
Her extensive research on this subject has led to the integration of John Dee's Monadic Hieroglyph within the framework of the Tree of Life, marking a significant advancement in the field of consciousness studies associated with this concept, a continuation of Dennis William Hauck's research in the field.
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