Alchemy Study Program



In The Metals and Their Correspondences (Module Four), you will discover the archetypal nature of the metals and their hidden effect on every level of our lives. By integrating the opposing forces in your own metallic temperament (or personality), you will gain entry to the Greater Mysteries, in which you become a true Initiate into the deeper patterns of which so few of us are aware. 

Written by Dennis William Hauck. 

  • Module 4: The Metals and Their Correspondences -Lesson 1-9
  • Introduction: The Metals and Their Correspondences
  • Lesson 1: The Saturnic Metal: Lead - The Metals
  • Lesson 2: The Jovial Metal: Tin - The Metals
  • Lesson 3: The Martial Metal: Iron - The Metals
  • Lesson 4: The Conjunctive Metal: Copper - The Metals 
  • Lesson 5: The Living Metal: Mercury - The Metals 
  • Lesson 6: The Lunar Metal: Silver - The Metals 
  • Lesson 7: The Solar Metal: Gold - The Metals 
  • Lesson 8: The Black Dragon: Antimony - The Metals 
  • Lesson 9: The Grand Arcanum and White Gold - The Metals 
  • Appendix - Module 4
  • Exam Name: The Metals
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever